This is a photo challenge I found on Facebook through a friend... I thought why not... lets give it a shot... 365 days in the year... 365 photos (or more knowing me...) I can do this. So this is pretty much my photo diary and you're allowed to read it.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Day 176
June 25 2010
Toy Story 3: Kaedens first movie to actually watch! He's been to a movie before but too tiny to get it... in fact he slept through them! He did GREAT for his first time!
I'm a rookie Mommy to my one son Kaeden. I have LOTS of fun following him with a camera and plan on continuing to do so until he can physically make me STOP documenting his every breath. I love to do lots of stuff... but my specialty is cake pops. I love parties, pictures, cake pops, Kaeden and Kollin, decorating, cake pops, hanging out with friends, cake pops.... yes i said cake pops 3 times... let me even this out a bit... KAEDEN KAEDEN KAEDEN. :D
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