This is a photo challenge I found on Facebook through a friend... I thought why not... lets give it a shot... 365 days in the year... 365 photos (or more knowing me...) I can do this. So this is pretty much my photo diary and you're allowed to read it.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 72

March 13 2010

So here's some of my latest reading material... LOL! I can definitely run a classroom of 20 - 4year olds... even three year olds... and you know what i'll even take 12 - 2 year olds... but give me ONE... ONE single 1 year old and I'm as dumb as a doornail i tell ya!

This is where I learn about temperments... there are 3 types: Easy, Shy, and Spirited. The 10 second test is where u take your child to an uncrowded mall... you casually walk away from your child while keeping a close eye... and how does your child react? If he just stands there with no problem = Easy, If he clings on to you and cries bloody murder = shy, and lastly If he bolts it and doesn't look back = Spirited... can you guess which temperment Kaeden is? He literally fits the books descriptions TO A TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!

Porch Shot- We never made it to our porch shot... in fact this night he fell asleep at about 6 ish and had NO clothes on because he was "airing out" for his diaper rash... we had to put in on while he was asleep... food crusted onto his face and hair... and no clothes on... Signs of a good day right?

1 comment:

  1. I've been wanting to check out that book. I lived by happiest baby on the block.
