This is a photo challenge I found on Facebook through a friend... I thought why not... lets give it a shot... 365 days in the year... 365 photos (or more knowing me...) I can do this. So this is pretty much my photo diary and you're allowed to read it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1: 1/1/10

First photo of the year... our New Years Kiss... BUT didn't quite get all of us in! HAHA! At least we captured our friends, Aaron and Des in the background! Next year... I promise i'll do a better job!
My "Bestie" ( Ya I said it!) Sam. She's jumping for joy, not sure what was so exciting, but she's EXCITED!!!!
So, I've decided that I am going to try my BEST to take a picture of my Kaeden on our porch EVERYDAY rain or shine! This should be interesting considering he would NOT sit still!!! This was the best while all the others looked like he was "popping a squat." Maybe in the next 365 days he will learn to sit and pose for the camera... and if he does... I will be sooooo happy its captured on film!

This was our trip to Best Buy... The sky was INCREDIBLE and I just could walk away from a photo... I really don't want to forget how this looked on January first 2010. I can't wait to continue this project and see what I can come up with... Thanks for following in my journey of an entire year in my... NO... OUR lives!


1 comment:

  1. I love that you're going to take his photo in the same spot every day! He will either learn to sit for the camera or run from it like my kids do. ;) Cool photo of the sunset!
