This is a photo challenge I found on Facebook through a friend... I thought why not... lets give it a shot... 365 days in the year... 365 photos (or more knowing me...) I can do this. So this is pretty much my photo diary and you're allowed to read it.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28... pajama day for all!

Kaeden's been having a hard time getting to bed on time lately... so this morning when it was time to wake him up... he slept through everything! Diaper change... carseat buckling... car ride... carseat swap to babysitters car... WHOA!!! and since he was out like a light... it was pajama day for him too... Just like mommy's work!

So we WERE trying to get a porch shot... and as u will see... hes not cooperating... but at least i captured this cute face!

Kaeden decided that he liked his head better with the scrape on his forehead so he went on ahead and took care of that by himself today... IN THE SAME SPOT! WHAT THE?!?!?

Porch Shot - BOOOOOOTY!!!!!

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