This is a photo challenge I found on Facebook through a friend... I thought why not... lets give it a shot... 365 days in the year... 365 photos (or more knowing me...) I can do this. So this is pretty much my photo diary and you're allowed to read it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 11

Dinner: Fish and Zuccini and of course... WINE!!!! A little classy and a little trashy.... who loves that paper bowl? Anybody?! Anybody??! Beuller?!?!

Kaeden and "Buelita" Luz for our porch shot wearing my grandmother's favorite shall.


  1. i love love LOVE this porch shot :) I miss you guys!

  2. I always use them paper plates and bowls. =] It means no dishes to wash!!! Hahaha`
